Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

"Derek and Christy are out playing ladder golf in their yard," said Daniel.

"Oh really, well at least they are enjoying the holiday. I feel like we should do something." said Mandy.

"What do you mean, I am drinking BEER!" exclaimed Daniel as he cracked open another beer.

This conversation was really funny to me this evening. Our Labor Day was pretty uneventful. Daniel mowed the lawn, worked on the Visio website, and folded clothes. I have been challenged to clean things out in my house lately by the study I am doing with my journey group girls. So I cleaned out my clothes and made a pile for Goodwill or a garage sale, did laundry, school work, and ran to the grocery store - TWICE. And we both spent some quality time with Brayden today.

So I was feeling like we needed to do something outside or "Labor Dayish". So this evening we grilled kabobs, ate dinner on the deck, and Daniel drank 3 different kinds of BEER. So my Labor Day ended really well. Tonight we plan to watch a movie as well :)

What did you do to celebrate Labor Day?


Dave said...

vintage d. smith, i can easily picture him saying that.... :)

Erin Lavin said...

We painted our kitchen! Now the whole downstairs is done. I am SO over painting.

Shannon Smith said...

Packed up the car in the rain. Drove five hours. Unpacked the car. Mowed the yard. Cooked dinner. Put Palmer to bed.