Wednesday, March 18, 2009

100 Days To Go

Well here we are already 56 days later from when I posted this....

Time goes by so fast. I am trying to stop everyday and enjoy being pregnant. I am trying to not take it for granted but enjoy the little movements, kicks, and elbows he does inside of me. So far things are going well. I only have 1 week of school, 3 weeks of track out, and then 9 more weeks to go and I am done with teaching for awhile. It is bitter sweet! Just as I am finishing up this chapter of teaching in my life for now (I am sure I will go back someday) I will be having another baby boy around the same time. So hopefully it will be a good transition for our family!

1 comment:

Tyler and Rachael said...

i LOVED the part of pregnancy you are in right now.....i LOVED being pregnant, i LOVED the baby moving part, I LOVED looking pregnant, I LOVED feeling my tummy, i LOVED talking to the baby inside of my tummy and sharing my thoughts with I am glad that you are finding time to enjoy it, even though you are so super busy with everything. all of my best wishes sent your way.....with hopes of seeing you sometime sooner than later.